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CB12A - December, 2021
A Beautiful Principle
Todd Nettleton of The Voice of the Martyrs shares this personal journal entry and a precious conclusion to this, his short story ... (taken from page 21 of When Faith Is Forbidden)
From My Journal
October, 31, 1998 Yei, Sudan (addressed to my wife, Char)
... I am praying for you, though. I have asked God to send angels to surround our home and protect [it] from the attacks of the enemy or anything else that would cause grief.
The rest of the story:
One of the nights I was in Sudan, my wife - who was sick while I was gone - woke up in the middle of the night. Looking up from the bed, she saw clearly the outline of men's shadows on the mini-blinds covering the two windows of our bedroom. She got up and looked out each window but couldn't see anyone outside. Yet, instead of fear, she felt a sense of complete peace, and immediately got back into bed and fell back into a deep, restful sleep. She and I both believc in angels. (bold emphasis mine)
While safe in God's hands ... God answers prayer ... et al.
are beautiful principles - ones we can glean from this experience of the Nettletons, there is yet one other "beautiful principle" Todd models, one we'd like to highlight here:
At times, it's best to state truth (e.g., Todd's and Char's experience outlined above) and/or Truth (i.e., God's explicit Truths in His Word) and simply leave it at that - without any further commentary.
Principle made through Todd's modeling:
"She and I both believe in angels." [STOP ; no further commentary offered or needed]
We apply this principle here:
~ Joshua 1:8, 9 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Genesis 50:15-51 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Psalm 46 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Deut. 28:58, 59 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Mark 13:13 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Ezekiel 33 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Luke 12:35-39 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Matthew 24:9-14 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Acts 4:21, 22 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ John 16:1-4, 33 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ Romans 8:18 [stop ; no further commentary needed ; go on to meditate on the passage in light of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and in light of the full Counsel of the Word of God ; then ponder possible applications]
~ and many, many others!
[ STOP ; no further commentary on the texts are needed ; ponder, especially in light of Isaiah 55:8, 9 & Heb. 4:12]
A note about our devotional blogs as we approach 2022:
Our devotional blogs take this very approach. We simply quote the passages without commentary and then go on to conclude with prayer, song and an application appeal. God be praised. Note: In 2022 we will be labeling our devotional blogs, "DB" (short for "Devotional Blogs") while retaining our label for our Commentary Blogs - "CB."
CB11B - November, 2021
Following God’s Light
There are precious applications to be considered in the temptation of our Lord Jesus Christ. We’d like to highlight some matters & contrast them with today’s USA anti-Constitution administration – yes, the Biden Administration of governance.
1. Satan tempted Jesus in the context of exercising authority. His first power move (as recorded in Luke 4) was to make a command (“command this stone to become bread”) in the setting of Christ’s hunger. Satan also wanted our Lord Jesus to prove He was the Son of God in this attempt to overthrow the Creator, Savior.
Today, our illegitimate government also exercises its authority through commands. “Stay at home” orders were issued by prior governmental voices but today we are oppressed by other rules: “Masks are mandatory,” “Vaccine required,” and on and on it goes. What bondage! While our present administration makes demands, our great God continues to grace humanity with great freedom. What a CONTRAST between the two.
2. Satan went on to tempt the Lord in this way: He falsely promised gifts : that he would give Christ glorious authority. There was one condition to receive this empty promise, liar that he (satan) is: worship, including submission.
Today our national leaders also make promises that are lie-based. They want us to obey them in areas (that is, life categories) which are NOT theirs to command. While our present administration promises to extend blessings if we but concede to their agenda, our great God continues to give kind mercy in precious freedom to mankind. What a CONTRAST between the two.
3. Satan then tempted our Lord Jesus by yet another challenge: PROVE you are the Son of God by doing a miraculous deed.
Today, our taskmasters act as if they are testing/ tempting God. They foster great ungodliness and support acts of terror as if they are attention-craved children wanting God’s notice – even if it means getting some negative (corrective) attention: judgment from God. While government actions of late are opposite God’s purpose in human governance, (see Romans 13 and II Peter 2), our great God persists in His Divine rule. What a CONTRAST between the temporary rule of evil and the eternal rule of Almighty God.
Sovereign Father God, please remove the faulty government currently ruling the USA. By Your miraculous hand, as You did in Egypt, defeat and replace our current kings. Bring them to their knees and soften their hearts to say “YES” to forgiveness in Christ Jesus, Your beloved Son. In Jesus Christ’s name, Lord, we pray for our enemies in this way too. And Lord: THANK YOU. One day You will send Your Son. Your patience will come to an end whereby You will judge evil. Help us, Your people in Christ, to accept Your timing on these end of days matters. Even so, please come Lord Jesus. Amen
P.S. A reading of blog CB10D – October, 2020* puts, in part, the above in the context of affirming the whole Counsel of the Word of God concerning our response to God-allowed magistrates. * Title: “A Call to Practice Respectful ‘No!’ – Saying ”
CB11A - November, 2021
Living In Devilish Days
“The world is NOT as strange as you claim.” I hear this response (albeit in different forms) more often than I care to acknowledge.
In response, “Okay then, perhaps we should state it this way: The world is quite satan-like.”
Moving on …
So, when we – members of the Body of Christ – say things like:
~ “Have you discerned how weird the world has become of late?”
~ “There’s something terribly WRONG with culture today.”
~ “How can so many great injustices be taking place in our so-called thinking society?”
~ “Why has our culture grown to be so intolerant, yes, even so satan-like, in a day when it claims to be tolerant?” …
When we raise fair questions like those listed above AND then go on to evidence the answers to these questions and the claims included therein, why is it some respond almost violently against those who seek to bring attention to these present realities?
Why? What’s going on here?
It’s because darkness is so rampant today that “Truth” itself is viewed as a threat to present society. SERIOUSLY! Just try to talk with some folks about how the evils of our day are being accepted and they often get defensive and/or angry. WOW
But it’s not only “Truth” that’s viewed as the great enemy of the state. It’s beings who are to be faulted: God is to blame. It’s His followers who proclaim these Truths who are also to be seen as “DANGEROUS” – yes, even evil (Is. 6:18-23) – in the eyes of the new satanic culture.
Caring messages …
~ Friends open to You need NOT cater to Truth: their enslaved worldview!
~ Secularists who deny Don’t laugh, for we can spiritual realities: warrant these things …
Satan is:
the father of lies / the great deceiver; the enemy of יהוה God and all that is good; the great opponent of Creator God: Jesus Christ.
The world is:
enslaved to the father of lies and gladly embraces deceit; hostile to God and His good things; hateful toward the Lord Jesus and His faithful followers.
The reality that strange things are happening is confessed by many today. So again, we sincerely, with urgent appeal, ask: Question: “What’s going on here?!” Let’s better discern our day.
ANSWSER (in part):
We are in the end of days before Jesus Christ’s initial appearing. We have been experiencing the “time of sorrows” as predicted by our Lord Jesus in Matthew 24 and are now moving further into the tribulation period – one NOT defined as some false teachers and false prophets define it today! CLICK HERE for one amazing example.
Note: Do a study on the word “tribulation.” A biblical study may surprise you in that Bible-based end-time tribulation is very different than how some are defining end-time Tribulation these days. ( e.g., The Tribulation Week )
So how should we now live? In part …
We should continue to look up, for our salvation draws near. We should continue to keep our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ: King of kings and Lord of lords. We should continue in His Word.
As we do so, God will illumine our paths as we abide in His Vine and as we walk in His Spirit.
Precious heavenly Father, blessed be Your great and holy name! We praise You for all the blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus Your holy Son, our Savior. Receive our adoration and thanksgiving as we enter into this Thanksgiving season. May we press on in living out our lives as Your living sacrifices unto Your glory and praise. May Your dear Spirit be honored as we take up our crosses daily and allow Him free reign in and through our lives. Thank You sweet Father God. Even so, please come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen
P.S. Please visit our newest web site:
CB10B – October, 2021
A Summary Sketch Of Our Now the Rapture? (Part 1)
Some folks in local churches do not seem willing to heed Jesus Christ's mandate to watch - Mark 13:37 ( " ... what I say to you I say to all: Watch!" ; emphasis ours)
This group is growing in numbers. End-time ill-preparedness - fostered by false eschatological views predominate in the western church today - is rampant.
Three historical lessons (from I Kings 13, Jeremiah 20 - 29 and Matthew 15) encourage us to be mindful of false appeal, especially false prophetic appeal. Instead of listening to the peace and safety prophets and teachers of our day, we need to be looking at what the Word of God actually says. It offer much Counsel about our end of days.
In light of John 14, I Cor. 15, I Thes. 4 & 5, Mt. 24 & 25, Rev. 11:15-19 & 14:14-16, revelation in the book of Daniel and other Bible passages, we need to acknowledge this fact: The Bible does not teach Jesus Christ could come (back to earth and/or back to rapture-gather His Church) at any time. It actually teaches the opposite. The doctrine of imminence is false - a teaching the Word of God denies. Instead, the Bible explicitly (clearly) teaches signs precede His coming - signs which even precede the rapture gathering of His Church. When the signs are manifest, we are to discern His close return. (see Mt. 24:32 - 25:13 & Luke 21:25-28)
If you care at all about avoiding personal deception, give our web sites a look over. In the material you will find Bible appeal that we need to be ready as the Word of God so clearly outlines
Our web presence, at present, includes: (http:// unless otherwise stated) ( and others
One final, crucial appeal: IF you don't currently enjoy secure, eternal HOPE in Christ Jesus, please go to and view our Gospel presentations. [ Updated link ]
To view the entire Now the Rapture? (Part 1) document, please Click Here.
CB10A – October, 2021
Our 2021 End-Time Bible Reading Schedule (October - December)
1 Revelation 1 2 Revelation 2 ... etc. ... 21 Revelation 21 22 Revelation 22 23 Daniel 1 24 Daniel 2 25 Daniel 3 26 Daniel 4 27 Daniel 5 28 Daniel 6 29 Daniel 7, 8 30 Daniel 9, 10 31 Daniel 11, 12
1 Psalm 1 2 Psalm 2 ... etc. ... 29 Psalm 29 30 Psalm 30
1 Mark 1 2 Mark 2 ... etc. ... 15 Mark 15 16 Mark 16 17 Matthew 24, 25 18 I Cor. 15 19 I Thes. 4 ; John 14 20 Revelation 11, 14 21 I Peter 1 22 I Peter 2 23 I Peter 3 24 I Peter 4 25 I Peter 5 26 Mark 13 27 II Peter 1 28 II Peter 2 29 II Peter 3 30 I John 1 - 3 31 I John 4, 5
May our soon-coming King bring precious fruit to our reading and heeding of His powerful Word. Unto His glory and praise, in Christ Jesus' name, amen.
CB9B – September, 2021
Wisdom: On Discerning Traditions
Some false assumptions can kill. Do the traditions we hold possibly include erroneous presuppositions?
Storytelling (using one, more insignificant matter – as opposed to a crucial one) to make our point …
One recently – in a kind, casual manner – called me on my use of the abbreviation, “Thes.” – short for Thessalonians. “Why don’t you use the correct abbreviation: ‘Thess.’ in your writings?” I was asked.
I thanked the person for expressing her concern and didn’t make a big deal about it. As I pondered her concern, I was led to investigate. Was I surprised by what I found!
Because abbreviations are typically based on word syllables, I looked up the word “Thessalonians” in the dictionary. This is what I found in Webster’s and in The American Heritage dictionaries:
Thes ə lo ne ənz NOT Thess ə lo ne ənz
If one wants to get technical, I would guess BOTH ways of abbreviating Thessalonians would be acceptable. Yet, in our dogmatic, tradition-rich Christian culture, some would say the only correct way to abbreviate “Thessalonians” is “Thess.” because there are two S’s in the early part of the word.
We would suggest this: There are multiple ways one can abbreviate the word, “Thessalonians.”
My points – moving from a less significant example to wise, life-action principles:
1. It’s important we avoid dogma if we don’t have grounds to support it. When we do not have sufficient warrant, we should take a softer stand (in this case, on the matter of abbreviation; in general, on traditions as a whole).
Related Appeal: Traditions aren’t always true.
2. Let’s not judge others (who hold different views) as “wrong” if we don’t have sufficient evidence to reject their ideas. Let’s not label them as untrustworthy simply because they do not see it as we see it.
Appeal: Don’t automatically write off someone if that someone doesn’t hold to our opinion or standard of right and wrong.
In application tied to my illustration …
Please don’t write me off as incredible simply because I chose to use a different abbreviation for Thessalonians.
Fair enough? Point made?
When we don’t have sufficient grounds to hold a dogmatic view or what we believe to be an uncontested tradition, let’s not be judgmental.
On the other side of the coin, if we find traditions to be poorly evidenced, let’s be willing to contest those traditions, or at the very least, be Berean-like in response.
Closing this blog with a more significant appeal …
To date, no pastor, theologian, friend, Family member in Christ nor foe has shown Bible warrant for rejecting the eschatological proposal called The Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering of the Church (as defined in our Endurance Ministries materials). IF you feel you have grounds to reject this possible end-time view, would you be so kind as to share your evidence with us? Please use to do so.
IF there are not Bible grounds for continuing to herald the Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering, then we will DISCONTINUE doing so. As you have noticed (if you’ve read over our materials), we DO find explicit Bible evidence for the themes and chronology we highlight. May God be glorified in this end of days discipleship effort.
CB9A – September, 2021
Anticipating Further Darkness
Have you ever considered the event of 911 in the setting or context of betrayal ?
Mt. 24:10 states falling away, betrayal and hate will be characteristic of the days which follow (“then” – vs. 9) the birth pains/time of sorrows.
Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:9-14 ; NKJV
We are in these days (of Mt. 24:9-14).
This blog anticipates one expression of “betrayal.” Read on for details BUT please note: The threat of accusatory attack in order to foster betrayal in a marriage relationship context is only one of many possible battle fields. Local church encounters (i.e., confrontations between church attendees), neighborly engagements, betrayal in the work place (the old stab in the back) among peers, etc., also provide contexts where false accusations could contribute to relational betrayal.
Darkness gleans from Bible information. Even today it seeks to maximize betrayal to its advantage.
Let’s take time to ponder some of the ways it – evil – may go about this effort. We’re not going to exhaust this upcoming wave of darkness for you. Instead, you give this coming storm some further thought. We’ll simply bring one possible example of betrayal efforts. Our suggestion will hopefully get your creative juices flowing.
So we ask: How might we, as those in Christ, anticipate dark efforts on these battle fronts of betrayal?
Here’s our specific, contemporary example …
My wife and I know and trust each other. There may come a time when false accusations are uttered against my wife (and/or visa versa). She may be told terrible things her husband has done. Or, folks may tell me my wife has done this or that. Question: How will we respond to these accuser of the brethren lies?
As in the but God responses through Scripture, my wife and I know to doubt the accuser(s), not our beloved. The Supreme Court nomination process has some insight for us. As the process of the nomination unfolded for Brett Kavanaugh, false accusations were thrown against him. Only later did we know these were clearly false claims.
My wife and I, if we were to experience false charges against us – ones which seek to bring about betrayal against each other, will, by the grace and mercy of our God Most High, respond wisely. We will evaluate what’s being said in light of the nature of the accuser(s) and with a Christ-centered worldview. We will discern their lies and continue trusting one another.
We will not trust the liars who bring false accusation but will trust our Truth-walking spouse. In this, with God’s help, we will find victory. But others, sadly so, will fall prey to various forms of this dark attack.
Thankfully, in the setting of college campus ministry, I’ve learned a great deal about attacks of betrayal from some who call themselves Christian – family in Christ. Some are not. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing – Mt. 7:15-20
Entrapment efforts will continue. False report and misrepresentation will escalate. This form of persecution will only grow as the satanic darkness grows. May we follow in our Lord’s footsteps as we continue walking through the challenges ahead. And, dear Church, let’s keep smiling as we go knowing, by faith, our Lord Jesus will give us His words in response during evil interrogation.
He will lead us just as He’s promised:
Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. You will be brought before gov- ernors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. When they perse- cute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes. Matthew 10:16-23 ; NKJV
As the song goes, “victory is mine.” Victory is indeed ours if we press on in walking in God’s Spirit, if we persist in abiding in the Vine.
CB8B - August, 2021
Care-Driven Sharing
The following is an excerpt from "Better SAID Than NOT SAID" (blog CB6D - June, 2020):
[ A principle in the biblical book of Ezekiel is driving this pressing warning. We know things. But by the grace of God, we share some of His critical insights with you ... because love, as defined in I Cor. 13, impels us and because we are accountable before God to do so. ]
If one knows a kayaker was about to meet her doom (as she, unaware of the threat ahead, was about to encounter a 40-foot fall), is it not incumbent on the individual who knows there's danger ahead to warn the one in the kayak? In like manner ...
If a neighbor sees a fire burning in the basement of a home across the street - where a family of four is playing cards on the second story of their residence - is it not right for the neighbor to warn them they are in imminent harm's way?
Of course those [in the know] should speak out and bring warning!
One additional appeal tied to this expression of care ...
[ An excerpt from Now The Rapture (Part 2) follows. View a complete "pre-release" of this booklet by going to our "Gift Page" at ]
If you knew your beloved parents were about to suffer great loss as a result of a certain action, wouldn't you respond appropriately in order to try to prevent that great tragedy?
We are talking about eternal tragedies as a result of people being willfully ignorant concerning what God has clearly said about our days. 'If we neglect the passages God has graciously given us for the purpose of better discerning the many false teachings currently being propagated today, will we not be making a conscious choice toward casting aside one crucial means He has provided to help us avoid becoming deceived?'
The love of Jesus Christ moves us to raise these contemporary concerns. We care. May our Lord be praised in all of our Mark 12:28-31 expressions of love for God and mankind.
CB8A - August, 2021
With CARE In Jesus Christ ...
While this is not a "frequently asked question" by our reading audience, it has been asked:
Q: Why don't you put more emphasis on present social matters as opposed to an end-time chronological focus?
A: Fact of the matter, the Word of God emphasizes both chronological and thematic aspects of the end of days prior to Jesus Christ's initial appearing. As a result, we do both - we address social concerns and chronological matters so as to help mankind better discern today's worldly climate.
We don't use our opinion as our truth foundation but instead use the Word of God (Who fully knows what is happening and what will take place this next decade).
By God's mercy and grace, our Truth foundation is solid. If you'd care to enjoy enlightenment from our Creator God, please look over His Counsel as to guidance for living in these days of the end. Read our devotional blogs and the passages found posted on our end-time Bible reading schedule.
We love you, sincerely we do.
CB7B - July, 2021
Further Discerning Our Day
When we first made appeal – now decades ago – that we are in the early stages of the tail end of the end of days, some folks laughed. Yet, the end-time signs highlighted in the Word of God (the Bible) continue to increase.
Bible prophecy is most accurate indeed. The following blogs (now turned into handouts) are linked so as to provide further help in discerning our day:
The Perfect Storm [ Updated link ]
The Spirit of Antichrist [ Updated link ]
Do you recall some of our past Bible appeals?
Isaiah 5:20 – Deception run amuck … TODAY! II Thes. 2:1-12 – Rejection of the love of the Truth brings the deceived further delusion
IF you watch films tied to the Holocaust and WWII, you will find a common theme in many movies: The Nazis used false appeal (e.g., the Jews are evil due to their economic and monetary influence in our German culture) to justify their murderous actions.
Today, if you listen carefully to the Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory* advocates, you will also find false appeals, ones which, in their eyes, justify evil actions toward some.
Satan's repetitive, anti God efforts continue. They do so in contemporary expressions (similar to past efforts) as he knows his days are numbered.
Please discern just how far we are into the end of days because the public emergence of the antichrist and the war against the Saints is right around the corner. The majority of the world is now very satan-like. While they scoff at this observation – which is evidenced in who satan is and what he is like and which is most frequently expressed in our present global society today – they go on to deny the reality of our present culture.
How can this be ?! And, how can it be that the quiet majority is tolerating these satanic actions?
Dear Truth seekers, please go to God’s Word for accurate insight second to none as these dark days increase. We trust you are enjoying our blogs which continue to be posted here on
One closing word of counsel as we conclude this short warning: While we have posted a Bible reading schedule for this third quarter of 2021, we also go on to suggest this: Read through the book of Hebrews and note the MAIN theme of this book: Endurance [ Updated link ] in Christ Jesus is a part of Life-giving faith.
May you be protected against apostasy in further contemplating this discipleship handout: CLICK HERE. [ Updated link ]
* A dear Brother in Christ recently sent us an email communicating sorrow as his past church has been deceived into committing to the injustices of anti- biblical Critical Race Theory. What a day to be alive in man’s only Hope: Jesus Christ our Vine.
CB7A - July, 2021
Now Archived